From the earliest times, people have been drawn to stories. Cave drawings, fairy tales to explain the unexplainable, and fish tales. Even today, stories remain a powerful tool for conveying information and capturing people’s imagination and attention. That’s why content marketing that incorporates narrative elements can be so effective.
One of the key elements of narrative is characters. Whether they are people or products, characters give your audience something to identify with and become invested in. By focusing on a main character, you can create a subject that carries the audience from the start to finish. A character engrosses the reader and makes him a champion for success in the end.
To make your characters more compelling, give them distinct traits, histories, and trajectories. As the story unfolds, show how the character-subject evolves in meaningful ways over the arc of the content. This can be done by using commonly used character arcs like “rags to riches” or an illustrious “aha” moment. In the scenario of marketing, the character arc might very well be a problem solved or a pain point eliminated.
Another essential element of narrative is conflict and resolution. People read content online to solve their problems, so creating a plot that references a conflict and provides a solution to that problem is essential. For example, you can trace your product character’s journey from its lonely state to its new, active and happy home.
Pacing is also important when it comes to developing the plot. Too little tension makes for boring content, while too much detail can be distracting. By using a plot diagram with key narrative elements, you can create a structure that addresses the tension between the audience and their issues while leading them to a resolution.
Personification helps audiences relate to your content. By personifying non-human characters and using anecdotes and examples, you can make your content more concrete and understandable. This can help enhance the readability of your content, illustrate complex ideas, and make the content personal for the reader. I might not be able to relate to every widget on the market but the widgets that have interesting stories are the ones I remember. I bet you’re like that too. And so are your readers.
Overall, incorporating narrative elements into your content marketing strategy can make your content more engaging, impactful, and valuable. By including characters, plot, and personification, you can create content that resonates with your target audience and encourages them to take action. By combining key elements of narrative with intentional content marketing you can deliver content that is meaningful to your prospects and customers.
At Summit, we thrive on helping our clients create compelling content that helps them thrive. Contact us today for help with your content marketing strategy.